The history of Knowle West
Get to know your home!
Knowle West and the land on which it sits has a rich history that reaches back further than the estate itself!
This time line has been curated by the Filwood Chase History Society to give an outline of some key moments in the history of Knowle West.
If you have an interest in local history, you can visit the group who meet every Wednesday at Filwood Library between 2pm-4pm


Filwood Park (KW) is built
Knowle West is built on the (then rural) land of Knowle. Labelled as a Garden City, the council estate was designed to home the many families displaced by the Greenwood Act that had forced the local councils begin slum clearances of the city centre.

Whitchurch Airport Opens
The vast green space on Airport Road, known to many locals as ‘The Old Airport’ was in fact Whitchurch Airport. It was the main airport for Bristol and the surrounding area.
The site was officially opened by Prince George, Duke of Kent. In its first year of operation it handled just 915 passengers. But the following year, this was now 400 passengers per year!
During World War Two, Whitchurch Airport was used by many powerful people and celebrities including Sir Winston Churchill, members of the royal family, and comedian Bob Hope and more.
Fascist B.U.F movement Run Out of Knowle West
In the 1930’s, British Union of Fascist leader Oswald Mosley attempted to hold a public rally in Knowle West’s very own Melvin Square. Fortunately, the working-class, anti-fascist people of Knowle West did not agree with the views of the B.U.F and they were chased out of the area.
Filwood Social Centre (Community Centre) built
Filwood Social Centre (now referred to as Filwood Community Centre) was built in 1938 and cost £17,000. During World War Two, Filwood Social Centre is believed to have been used as an evacuation centre.
Today, Filwood Community Centre is well loved by the community and a point of pride for the positive changes that are happening in the area. Click here to find out more about their projects.

Filwood Cinema Built
The Filwood Broadway cinema was originally built in 1938. It’s opening film was
Sailing Along starring Jessie Matthews(External Lights removed during the war)
Hartcliffe Way constructed
Prior to Hartcliffe Way being built, the space between what we know now as Knowle West and Hartcliffe were rolling fields. With Hartcliffe Way being laid, it divided the land and the building of Hartcliffe began.
Whitchurch Airport permanently closed
After the war, less air traffic flowed through the Whitchurch airport (which was a smaller airport) and in 1957, the decision was made to close the site to landings. The site still has much of the runways’ remnants and is now used as an open green space for cycling, walking and model aeroplane flying as well as the popular Whitchurch Carboot Sale.

Wills Tobacco Factory built
Will’s Tobacco Factory was built on the site we know as Imperial Park. Wills’ became an important local employer for residents of Knowle West. Many the Knowle West community were employees of Wills’ at the time. The factory was closed in 1990.

Knowle West TV (known as “Bits & Pieces”) launched
This was a weekly news show, highlighting the things happening in Knowle West. Interviewing residents out and about, reporting on community and family events, it was a great insight into life in Knowle West at the time.
Episodes of Bits & Pieces can be found on here on Youtube
Knowle West 50th Anniversary
A festival party celebrating the 50th anniversary of the building of Knowle West was held in 1984. Families and residents all partied along with street parades, activities, and music.
The annual Knowle West Festival is still held today, forty years later. Bringing organisations, groups and residents together to celebrate all the great and creative things happening in the community.

Knowle West’s own music star Tricky releases his debut album
Knowle West’s own music star Tricky releases his debut album, ‘Maxinquaye’ which becomes a global hit and is nominated for several awards including the Mercury Prize. Tricky also starred alongside Bruce Willis and Gary Oldman in the 1997 Hollywood film, ‘The Fifth Element’.
Merrywood Secondary School closes
Merrywood Secondary School closes after 104 years of teaching children in Knowle West. The building would later become what is we now know has the local social centre The Park.

TV show, Teachers filmed in Knowle West
Channel 4 comedy drama ‘Teachers’ Merrywood School and Knowle West is used as the set for Teachers.

Knowle West residents write a song for Bristol!
People from Filwood and Knowle West area shared their, experiences on the pandemic and their hopes for the future, and Knowle West’s own pop princess, KALA CHNG wrote the song, Boombox using their ideas.
The song was a part of Bristol Beacons ‘A Song for Bristol’ series.