Advertise with us

Advertise in the Knowledge and the Knowle West website

  • We currently print 6,500 copies of The Knowledge each issue.
  • Issues are delivered to every home in Knowle West as well as local community organisations including community centres, shops, doctors’ surgeries and schools.
  • The Knowledge has a loyal readership of over 20,000 people per issue who are looking out for local news, events, opportunities and services in their community.
  • We offer very affordable advertising rates.
  • Advertise in The Knowledge – details below.
  • Advertise on the home page of the community website. Get in touch via the email below to discuss rates.
  • Phone: 0117 903 0444

How much does advertising in The Knowledge cost?

Contact us for community website rates.

Advert typeLarge organisation rateStandard rateCommunity rate
Eighth page
w: 92.5 mm | h: 65 mm | res: 300 dpi
Quarter page
w: 92.5 mm | h: 130 mm | res: 300 dpi
Half page
w: 185 mm | h: 130 mm | res: 300 dpi
Full page
w: 210 mm | h: 297 mm | res: 300 dpi
(plus 3mm bleed)
w: 210 mm | h: 297 mm | res: 300 dpi
(plus 3mm bleed) double sided
*A 10% discount will be given to all advertisers who block book in two or more issues and pay for them in advance.
*Conditions for inserts: Advertisers must design print ready pdf digital insert which is then included in The Knowledge printing process.

Terms & Conditions for all advertisers

  • Advertorials and pre-designed adverts must be provided to the correct word count or size and be spelling and grammar checked.
  • Images must be 300dpi resolution and you must confirm that you have the consent of the individuals pictured (or their parent/carer if they are under 18) for their image to be used.
  • VAT will be added to all prices.
  • Advertorials will be clearly marked so as to distinguish them from news and editorial content.
  • We reserve the right to refuse advertising space for any advert that contains offensive language, incites violence or illegal activity, is defamatory, or is abusive, racist, sexist or homophobic.