Acceptable Use Policy

Here is how we want to include all of the community and keep everyone safe and heard.

  • Knowle West Alliance reserves the right to edit and amend contributions.
  • Information shared must be honestly conveyed, accurate and fair.
  • Harmful inaccuracies will be corrected or removed. The difference between fact and opinion should be clear in any content.
  • Content must do nothing to intrude into anybody’s private life, grief or distress.
  • Consent of an appropriate adult is required when interviewing or photographing a child for a story about her/his/their welfare.
  • Content shared must be the authors or organisations own, it must not be represented as your own or organisations own when it is not.
  • Content must be politically neutral – content cannot actively support or promote a political party nor can it criticise a political party.
  • Campaigns and opinions shared on the community website are of and by the author of the post. They are not the view of or necessarily supported by Knowle West Alliance.
  • We reserve the right to remove content that contains offensive language, incites violence or illegal activity, or is abusive or discriminatory, does not meet our community standards or breaches our terms and conditions.


The photo must be credited – ie that you either took the photo or acknowledge the person that did take the photo, and have their permission to use it. Please ensure there are appropriate permissions for sharing for any images of individuals in the photograph.

Please read our Terms and Conditions. You must agree to our terms and conditions before you submit content