Your vote counts on Thursday 4th July 2024. You have the opportunity to vote in the general election. To elect the Member of Parliament that represents you and your area for, up to, the next five years.
Polling station information
Your polling station will be listed on your polling card
Polling cards have been sent out to everyone who is eligible to vote. Your polling card gives the location of the polling station you should head to on election day.
Other ways to find your polling station: enter your postcode at: Polling Station Finder. Call Bristol City Council on 0117 922 3400
Opening times
Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on polling day. There is no closure for lunch.
Access for voters with disabilities
Bristol’s polling stations are accessible and have a variety of services to support voters with disabilities. Ask for support when you arrive at the polling station.
Different languages
Ballot papers can’t be printed in languages other than English.
Giving information to tellers
Tellers outside polling stations work for political parties and candidates. They might ask you for some information, like your electoral number. You don’t have to give them the information they ask for, but you can if you want to. Get more information about tellers from the Electoral Commission.
How you vote has changed: Photo ID to Vote
You will need to show photo ID to vote in the General Election. Make sure you are ready to vote at a polling station by checking you have an accepted form of ID.
Accepted forms of ID include:
- UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport
- Drivers’ licence (including provisional drivers’ licence)
- Some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or disabled person’s bus pass.
The full list of accepted ID is available on the Bristol City Council website, along with more information about the new requirement:
Or on the Electoral Commissions website at
Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.
Who can I vote for?
A new set of constituency boundaries will be used for the 2024 UK general election. This means that your constituency may have changed. Learn more about the 2024 boundary changes.
Depending on where you live you may be voting in the Bristol South Constituency or Bristol East Constituency.
To find a list of local candidates head to: and enter your postcode.