Knowle Methodist Church – Welcome Space

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Knowle Methodist Church – Welcome Space

March 17 @ 12:00 pm2:00 pm

Our Welcome Space is open 11am-2pm every Monday except for Bank Holidays. Come for company, activities, a cup of tea and a chat, and delicious home made soup at lunchtime. Pay-as-you-feel basis.


Lots more on offer, see website for full details: 

Prayer and a time of quiet Wednesday 10.30am – 12 drop in. 

Toddlers group Thursday during term time 9.45 – 11am.  

Saturday mornings for tea and coffee drop in 10.30 am – 12. 

Small groups so we can enjoy conversation and learning together. Monday mornings, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings, and on zoom on Thursday afternoons.  

Wives Group meets twice a month on Tuesday afternoons at 2.30pm with a variety of speakers and activities and of course a cup of tea! Do come and join this lively group of mostly older women from the local community. 

Church Choir meets on Thursday evenings at 8pm and welcomes new members of all ages. 

50/50 social group which meets on the first Sunday of the month at 7.30pm. All welcome. 



The Redeemed Christian Church of God – meets in the Church Hall on Sunday afternoons.  

Qigong Tai Chi, Monday 17.30-18.30 

U3A (University of the Third Age), 2nd Tuesday of each month 10.00 -12.00 

The Great Day Choir, Tuesday morning 10.00 -11:30  

Arnos Vocale Choir, Tuesday 19.30-21.00 

U3A Choir, second Wednesday of each month 10.00-12.00 

Knowle Women’s Institute, first Wednesday of each month 13.00-16.00 

Gurt Lush Choir, Thursday 17.30-19.30 

The Singing Tree, Friday 10.00-11.00, music and singing for pre-school children 

