Boing! 0-5yrs Soft Play

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Event Series Event Series: Boing! 0-5yrs Soft Play

Boing! 0-5yrs Soft Play

May 19 @ 9:00 am4:00 pm


Term Time Only.

Monday – Friday 9am-4pm, Saturday 9am-6.15pm

Standard 2 hour session, £3 online reservation fee; plus £1 per adult/child upon entry (under 6 months free).
For full details and to book go to

Standard session:
A relaxed, unstructured session for parents/carers of 0-5 year olds. Our softplay will provide a fun space for the children, whilst parents/carers can have some respite, play with your children and/or meet others over a hot drink, snack or meal from our affordable cafe. Each booking is for a maximum of 4 people including children (but not including children under 6 months of age).

We also run optional organised activities as well as sessions specifically aimed at child minders, young parents, foster carers and adoptive parents and their children.

School Meet Ups. Each year we run a programme for each local school. A relaxed, unstructured session for parents/carers of Reception Starters, providing a fun space for the children to meet and play together, whilst parents/carers can have some respite, talk about the upcoming change and share information.

Celebrate and have extra fun on particular days, watch this space and or our Facebook and Instagram pages for further details.

Boing! Inns Court Party  A full description of our Boing! Inns Court Parties service appears on our website.



