vegetables on a table broccoli, pepper, squash, cauliflower

What does it mean to eat well to thrive in Knowle West?

Knowle West Food Network – October meeting.

Knowle West Food Network:

Who we are: We are an active network of residents, groups, businesses and organisations (interested in food), working together to plan and make locally led change happen in Knowle West. Everyone is welcome.

Facilitation: Network meetings are facilitated by the Knowle West Alliance

Vision – what we want to achieve together: This group aims for everyone in Knowle West to have access to good quality affordable food; for everyone to have the confidence, skills, knowledge and equipment they need to prepare a healthy diet of food that they enjoy.Knowle West Food Network. Everyone is welcome.


At our last meeting we agreed to each have community conversations to help gather a variety of perspectives – here’s our conversation starter:

  • What does it mean to eat well to thrive in KW?
  • Thinking about what are the issues and what are the great tips people have.
  • If life was perfect what would eating well look like?
  • What are the gaps or barriers for people to eat well?
  • What is their favourite item to cook for their friends or family if there were no barriers?
  • What would like things to look like in the future?

You can bring what you hear to the session on Oct 9th OR if its helpful please feel free to write up what you’re hearing and send via this link: Form (ideally by end Sept).

Next meeting: Wednesday 9th October 2024 09:30 am to 1.00 pm. The Park Centre, Daventry Road Bristol BS4 1DQ

This meeting includes lunch.

Click here: please register your place at the meeting via Eventbrite.