Suggest locations for defibrillators in Bristol

Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC) is excited to announce that Bristol City Council (BCC) has awarded us funding for 52 new defibrillators. Along with a further £25,000 raised by the Sam Polledri Foundation, GWAAC is looking to place 67 lifesaving public access defibrillators in Bristol.

Filwood Ward is seen as a priority area for this and now they need your help to find the best locations for these defibs!

GWAAC is looking to place 67 lifesaving public access defibrillators in Bristol. You can use their online form to suggest a location or let us know and we will suggest it for you.

Does your community need a public access defibrillator? -follow this link for more details: Great Western Air Ambulance Charity

Cllrs Lisa Durston and Rob Logan /